Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lost sunglasses

There is a pair of sunglasses that were left in the lab tonight.  If you wish to retrieve them, please check with lost and found at the Gulf Coast Library lost and found.

Concept Map Assignment Part 1

You are to develop a simple concept map that illustrates some part of the content of your lesson. This concept map would be used as a visual aid to help your students understand the material that your lesson covers. You may use this technique to illustrate a process, explain the relationship between ideas or clarify the meaning of some terms.

This concept map will be part of your final project. An example concept map is given below:

Select a format that is appropriate to illustrate the concept that you are intending to teach. Save this file in your folder on the server when you are finished and print out a copy to submit for a grade.

You can find many examples of concept maps at http://classes.aces.uiuc.edu/ACES100/Mind/c-m2.html

Concept Map Assignment Part 2

You are to develop a planning concept map that illustrates the structure of your proposed lesson. It will include the structure of the lesson including sub-objectives, proposed activities, proposed presentation methods and hot links to Web Based resources. The example that I shared in class is included below for your review.

As you develop your final project, you will add to this concept map. At this time, you are to complete as much of this concept map as you can. These maps will be reviewed and return to you, so that you can continue to improve them for inclusion in your final project.

Inspiration is available in all labs in this department; please check on the door of the lab for an open lab time that will work with your schedule. You cannot access this program online. You may download a 30 trial version at the Inspiration web site:


If you use the free download be sure to save the file as a version earlier than Inspiration 8.

A printout of both concept maps will be submitted on February 1
Save both maps as electronic files; you will use these in a later assignment.

Monday, January 25, 2010

First Blog Assignment

Consider the following concepts that you reviewed in Chapter 1 and write a short reflection on your readings that address the following ideas:

Chapter One
1) What is the role that national technology standards play in the successful integration of technology?

2) How can you manage the classroom during technology integration?

3) What is the connection between learning outcomes and assessment?

4. Describe the characteristics of special learners.

Post your answer to your blog before next week. Title your post Reflections on Chapter 1.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Study Questions for Week 1

These are questions for you to review after you have read the chapter.  You do not need to submit your answers to these questions but there will be a short quiz over this content next week.

Chapter 1: Preparing to Use Technology Study Questions

1. Define the term assistive technology device.
2. Define the following terms:
3. What is the purpose of The Consortium for School Networking?
4. What is universal design for learning?
5. Why is it an important part of Universal Design to present concepts in
 multiple formats. (hint: this is not limited to learning styles)
6. What are the recommendations and standards of the ISTE Project known as NETS•S?
7. What organizations provided support for technology integration on the national and international levels?
8. Who provided support for teachers working with technology integration at the local level?
9. Does it matter if you become a teacher who is capable of integrating technology into the curriculum for K-12 students or not?
10. How is preparing lesson plans helpful to teachers?
11. What is an instructional objective?
12. What are measurable verbs?
13. What is readiness for learning?
14. Transformed learning environments present content to students in ways that are needed for students to be successful in an increasingly digital society. What are some examples of this concept?
15. Research has determined that certain conditions must be in place for teachers to be successful at integrating technology. What are some of these conditions?
16. How can you management the classroom to support technology integration?

Weclome to IT 365

Welcome to the course blog for my sections of IT 365. We will use this site a great deal during this term. Each week, I will post some information about the class for that week. You should get in the habit of checking for posts on this site at least once a week.

This is the type of information that you can find here:

• Assignments and assignment modifications
• Study questions for review
• Important dates
• Resources to help you complete your assignments such as web links and other hints.
• Changes in class meeting times (If a class is canceled for any reason it will be posted here)
• Where you can retrieve lost items (such as flash drives)

Each week before class, a new post will appear. This post will be used in the next class session, so you do not have to worry about the content of that post until after the class session.

Remember that comments on posts do not appear immediately because they are reviewed before they are posted. If you have an individual comment that you do not want to share, please contact me by e-mail.

This should be an interesting and useful term for all us,

Welcome to IT 365.

For Former Students

As promised, I have blocked you from the follower list for the IT 365 Course Blog. This should prevent you from receiving assignment posts in Google Reader. I need to do this so that the blog will be useful for the students that I have in the course this term.

You are very welcome to follow the Sleepy Artisan if you like. I hope that you have a wonderful, interesting and successful term.

Best of success in all your future plans,

Dr. Karen Juneau